Hello wonderful blog readers,
I've wanted to talk about this for ages, whether it be
through a blog or over YouTube, but seeing Zoe's (Zoella) and Sammi's (BeautyCrush) YouTube video's have
really inspired me to actually get started and write about it. This blog post
is a lot different to my last post, but I think it's something that we are not educated enough about. It are very
serious and very scary, especially going through it alone. I want to try and
help some people that go through these horrible experiences, even if it's only
one person.
What's the differences between Panic and Anxiety attacks?
An anxiety attack is caused usually from a stressful
environment; for example, being in the dark, not knowing who or what is around
you or what is going to happen. An
anxiety attack, people might feel fearful and feel there heart racing or be
short of breath. Although, it is very short lived, and when the stress goes
away, so does the attack.
On the other hand, a panic attack doesn't come from a
stressful situation, it's unpredictable and is not caused by anything. During a
panic attack, the person experiencing it is seized with fear and terror. They
feel like they're are going to lose all control of everything. These attacks can give you chest pain,
shortness of breath and/or dizziness.
Some of you may have never experienced anything like this,
but you probably know someone who has. If you do, you know that it's a very
scary thing to see, you feel helpless and don't know what to do. There are many
ways to help someone, if you think they're having a panic attack.
1. try and find what the cause of the attack was. It could have been something they're fearful
of or even another medical condition.
2. Put them at ease. Take the person to a less crowded and
quieter area. Make them feel safe and comfortable. Try and encourage them to
control their breathing.
3. The most important step is to try and understand what
they're going through. The attacks can
last from minutes to several hours, so be patient.
Dealing with someone having an Anxiety attack can also be
very difficult because not a lot can help them.
1. Remind them that they are safe, and make them feel
2. Make sure or remind them to breath properly, as it can
help the dizziness and breathlessness from the symptoms to ease.
3. If in a crowded place, take them away to a quieter and
less crowded place.
If you are experiencing a panic or anxiety attack yourself,
it can be such a scary and traumatic experience, some things that can help you
1. Remind yourself that the things scaring you and causing
you to panic will pass and they wont always be there.
2. Make sure that you
still breath properly and take long deep breaths to keep yourself from hyperventilating.
I wanted to write about this because they're actually quite
common disorders, although, it's not really a talked about subject. I also
wanted to tell you about my personal experiences of having these attacks. My
panic attacks, used to happen whilst at skating competitions. I would be
nervous anyway, but I would be doing my programme (routine) and get short of breath,
due to having asthma, and because of not being able to breath, I would start panicking
which would make my breathing worse. This happened quite a few times, with two
of the worst times ending up in my collapsing on the ice, due the
hyperventilating. I have now got past that happening whilst skating by reassuring
myself that nothing bad is going to happen, and making sure I take in deep
breaths whilst performing and my fab parents that helped me get through it!
What I would just like to say is that you don't have to go
through it alone, it is definitely better to talk to someone about it and know
that someone is always there to help you, whether they're stood next to you,
over the phone or even on the internet.
Thank you for reading and I hope that I have helped you, in
one way or another.
Zoe's video's ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjuk3WMZByo
& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-iNOFD27G4
Sammi's video's ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mpOPs9jux0
& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJx-44Ogow
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